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Financial Restructuring

Financial Restructuring

Can your business benefit from a Corporate Restructure?

Corporate financial restructuring is any substantial change in a company’s financial structure, or ownership or control, or business portfolio, designed to increase the value of the firm.  If you want to increase the value of your firm, you may need to reorganize your financial assets in order to create the most financially beneficial environment for the company.

Financial difficulty can creep up on a company, only to be noticed when it’s almost too late. While running the day-to-day affairs, it’s easy to become busy to the point of overlooking small issues. Over time, these issues can add up and grow, until the company is facing a crisis they never saw coming. In such cases, finding the underlying causes can be a time-consuming and difficult process, often requiring the help of an outside company. Not addressing certain problems upfront, or simply hoping that they will fix themselves, is the best way to see a company crumble from within. On the other hand, when tough decisions need to be made, there is often a fear of making the wrong ones. At Business Capital, we specialize in financial restructuring for businesses facing such situations. As an outside third party, we have the ability to properly assess a business’s needs and prescribe the proper remedy.

What does financial restructuring entail? In the case of excessive debt, we negotiate directly with creditors and vendors to create repayment plans that are acceptable to both parties. Through limited asset liquidation and accounts receivable funding, we secure capital that the company can use to expand. We also help create a business plan that details the financial direction of the company and the steps needed to achieve success.

Why trust the experts at Business Capital? Our track record speaks volumes for our approach. Over the last decade, we have helped hundreds of companies get back to financial stability. Not only do we offer some of the most effective solutions available, but we also pride ourselves on our fast implementation skills. In fact, companies following our financial restructuring guidelines typically see a turnaround in under three months.